Monday, 10 June 2013


Our latest project has been making our own 3 dimensional tree with card.  Once we had costructed the tree we then made a scene around the tree with tree houses, picnics, swings and much more.

Depicting distance in landscape

After looking at the work of various artists we discussed different devices atists use to depict space and then made our own picture.

Cats Mosaic Party

Outlines, Silhouettes and Shapes

 We have been looking at the shape of objects and transformed them into patterns.

Mosaic Birthday Party


Our new project has been designing and making our own puppet using clay and string.  It was a complicated design working out where the strings should go and how each puppet should move.



We've also been keeping ouselves busy weaving.  We made a base with card, drilling holes and fixing willow sticks with glue guns.


 Once we had designed our shop we thought about what our promotional carrier bags andboxes would look like.

Designing our own High Street


 We have been thinking about the kind of shops we would like to see in the High Street.  All the classes then combined their work to make a long street with all our favourite shops.  We then added customers, bus stops, post boxes and even traffic wardens!